Energy Management

The Campus has a robust energy management system in place and is Certified to BS EN ISO 50001:2018, which is the internationally recognised standard for energy management.

We are committed to our key objectives for reducing energy consumption, carbon emissions and cost, whilst demonstrating continuous improvement.

View our Energy Management Policy (PDF)

We are striving to create an energy conscious Campus, where recognising and reducing the environmental impact of our daily routines and actions becomes second nature to us.


The Campus is continuously growing and evolving and we invest in up-to-date energy efficient technologies, such as LED lighting, EC motors, hybrid cooling, and renewables etc., in both new and existing developments. We have an annual Life Cycle programme that provides a mechanism for keeping our older facilities up-to-date and improving efficiency.

Energy supply

We look to diversify the source of our energy supply by incorporating Low/Zero Carbon technology, to improve energy efficiency and lower our carbon emissions. Currently, more than 10% of the total energy consumed on Campus is self-generated from various sources.


A combined cooling heating and power plant (CCHP) delivers approximately 2MVA of electrical power into the Campus’ High Voltage network. The waste heat from the unit is captured and used within an absorption chiller to cool our data centre and also within a district heating scheme to supplement the heating within three of our facilities.


Solar Photovoltaic Arrays and Air Source Heat Pumps are used on a number of our facilities to supplement the electrical supply. Use of these technologies also serves to meet our obligation under local area policy, whereby developments meeting certain criteria must provide 10% of their predicted energy requirement from renewable sources.

Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme and ISO accreditation objectives

The Campus currently meets its obligation under the Governments Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS), which is a mandatory requirement for organisations meeting certain criteria to account for 90% of their energy usage.

To comply with ESOS, the Campus undertook a full energy audit to identify energy use and consumption. Subsequently, data collated during the energy audit has been used to identify areas in which improvement can be made to further reduce energy consumption.

Our certified ISO50001 Energy Management system (EnMS) ensures compliance with the ESOS regulations.