Our Logistics Team manage Genome Research deliveries via the Logistics’ Goods In.
Our opening hours are as follows:
- Monday – Friday 08.00 – 4.30pm
Check In And Delivery Information
When making a delivery to the Campus all couriers and supplier drivers must check in at the gatehouse with our Security team. The Security team will direct the courier/driver to the appropriate delivery point on Campus.
Sanger Institute Genome Research deliveries are to be accepted at Logistics Hub – Delivery Point 1 but there are some exceptions so it is important for the driver to tell security staff their delivery address and post code on arrival at the Gate House.
All drivers must adhere to the 10mph speed limit on Campus. Any driver not adhering to the speed limit will be warned and failing to comply to the speed limit will be reported to their superiors and may be banned from attending the site.
All drivers should use the marked out lanes on the loading bay as a guideline when backing up to the loading dock. When off-loading onto our scissor lift couriers should note that it has a weight restriction of 2500kg.
It is the driver’s responsibility to off-load all freight to the Sanger Institute (Logistics staff are not insured or permitted to enter the back of courier/ supplier vehicles).
- Lorries must have a tail lift and contain a pallet truck on board in order to offload the freight onto the loading bay. Any driver without the correct lifting equipment should expect to handball the load off of their vehicle in order for Sanger Institute Genome Research to accept it.
- Pallets should not exceed 1.6m in height (Logistics personnel must be able to see over the top of the load to safely manoeuvre and break out the load). Logistics personnel are at liberty to refuse any pallet exceeding this height.
- Drivers should be aware that side loaders will be required to wait until a fork lift is available to unload, otherwise the driver should expect to handball the load off of their vehicle in order for the Sanger Institute to accept it.
- Suppliers using articulated vehicles should contact Logistics in advance as site weight restrictions apply and the Logistics Team will need to schedule your visit and arrange any additional resource.
- Please direct all Sanger Institute Genome Research delivery related queries to Logistics in the first instance.
We can be contacted by emailing logistics@sanger.ac.uk or by calling 01223 494829 or 01223 497778.
Please Note:
Our on-site Security team do not accept deliveries outside of our opening hours or during our Christmas shutdown period.
For 24/7 assistance please call the Security team on 01223 496816.
Site Weight & Height Restrictions
- Loading Bay Scissor Lift – Weight restriction 2500kg
- Any articulated vehicles need to book in advance with Logistics (Contacts as mentioned above).
Terms and Conditions
Our terms and conditions are available for download in the following pdf.

Visitor parking is available at the Wellcome Genome Campus. Visitors arriving by car will usually be asked to re-park their cars in a visitor car park rather than remaining at the security reception car park. Read further for road directions to the Campus.
Road directions by car