Women and Girls in Science

What is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science?

Held on February 11, International Day of Women and Girls in Science celebrates women and girls in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and the vital work they do.

By celebrating and increasing the visibility of women and girls in STEM, we can inspire the next generation of female scientists and help overcome the gender divide.

Why is it important?
  • According to a recent study by Nature early data on the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on scientific-publishing output suggest that female researchers, particularly those at early-career stages, are the hardest hit.
  • COVID-19, the lockdowns and the subsequent closure of schools and nurseries have magnified existing problems.
  • As a consequence of the pandemic, female researchers’ positions might be at greater risk. For example, this report found that female scientists in Australia, who are 1.5 times more likely to be in casual or short-term contract jobs, are more likely to lose jobs, paid hours and career opportunities.
  • Prior to the pandemic, UNESCO data showed that less than 30 percent [uis.unesco.org] of researchers worldwide are women.
  • Prior to the pandemic, globally, female students’ enrolment was particularly low in STEM subjects. COVID-19 has turned access to education upside down for many, and whilst we wait to see published data to show the extent of the impact, we know to expect a reduction in the numbers of girls and young women taking up STEM learning.
How can you join in?
  1. Take a selfie during your day, whether you at home working at your kitchen table or in the lab.
  2. Make sure your selfie is in a square format.
  3. Show your support for women in STEM and our Campus community by posting your selfie on Twitter and using the hashtag #WellcomeGenomeWomen.
  4. Caption the post with your proudest work achievement in the last year, despite the additional challenges we’ve faced-from caring for older family members to homeschooling and turning our homes into offices.
  5. Companies, groups, and Institutes based on Campus will retweet your post and add it to a photo collage which will be shared online and across Campus.


Here on Campus, you’ll find talented, passionate, and dedicated women from all walks of life working together to achieve life-changing science. Find your next job opportunity here.

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